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What Needs To Happen At The End of Your Next Product Launch For A Successful Relaunch
Hope you enjoyed celebrating your latest product launch because it’s time to down the champagne and get down to the business end of analysing #allthethings.
If you thought the pre-launch spreadsheet and content plan you followed got your adrenaline pumping, get excited because we’re about to dive into what you need to do now that you’ve released your newest creation into the online world.
Because gathering, assessing, and understanding all the data is an absolute must if you’re planning on launching another product anytime soon.
It’s all about learning what went well, and what didn’t go so well, and applying those lessons to the next release for even better results.
In this article we’re going to cover all the data points you need to gather, then review, to ensure your next launch is even more amazing.
Now, if you didn’t intentionally go about setting up data collection points before your last launch, do not worry! There are still a lot of ways to see how everything tracked to help you up the revenues for next time.
And remember: don’t be daunted by the data, it’s your absolute best friend for optimising for business growth. It also doesn’t hurt that I’m a huge, huge fan. So…