What is ONE marketing activity that feels EASY and WORKS for your business?
In the work that I do, I often hear “X strategy doesn’t work for me” or “marketing is just hard and confusing” or “I don’t know where to start” or “I’m doing so many things but nothing is really working” … all totally valid points and when nothing is working in your favour, you feel stuck.
So I recently sent out a request to my network to get the feedback of fellow business owners to get insight into what marketing activities ARE actually working for people. And, not just working, but working easily without the brain strain and complicated tech integrations. (Ain’t nobody got time for that!)
The goal was to showcase a bunch of different marketing ideas that have actually worked (not just some self-proclaimed guru saying they work) to inspire new ideas and solutions in business owners out there who are feeling stuck with marketing their business.
If you’d like to join the conversation, please do share your opinion in the comments below. The question:
“What is ONE marketing activity that you do for your business that feels EASY and WORKS?”
Here are some of the responses I have received from a range of different business owners around the globe…
“Hands down, the number one marketing activity that feels super easy and works is being a guest on podcasts where my ideal client is a frequent listener. The benefits are endless as my message is communicated in a fun way and future clients are inspired and excited to learn more. And the best part is, if I had the opportunity to do podcast interviews each and every day, I would be so in. It is so much fun!”
~ Amber Dugger, Cash Flow Strategist, United States
“Having my most current offering above the fold on the front page, whether that’s an opt-in freebie, an event, or program intake.”
~ Tammy Guest, Business Mentor for Natupreneurs, Australia
“Creating compelling offers targeted specifically for my persona at every stage of their buyer’s journey.”
~ Beth Walker, SMA Marketing, United States
“Connecting with other women in business online in an authentic way, especially in Facebook groups for female entrepreneurs. Having fun and enjoying myself feels so easy and it works.”
~ Chenae Carey, Chenae Carey Coaching, Australia
“Networking. When I meet any new contacts I let them know about my work and the type of clients I help . I find this works well with allied health professionals who share my ideal client group as we can often cross refer clients.”
~ Dawn Vincent, Dawn Vincent Counselling & Psychotherapy, Australia
“Engaging in relevant Facebook groups. By being social, providing knowledge without expecting a return. This has been my biggest goldmine for both businesses (eCommerce site and digital marketing).”
~ Desiree Robards, Naked Digital Marketer, Australia
“Posting my portfolios on social media (Instagram)and portfolio website, such as behance or dribbble. It helps my business to be discovered by my potential audiences easily.”
~ Mishbah Munir, dab Creative Studio, Asia
“The easiest and the most successful was writing an appropriate post each day in the HCSDE group. There is a theme each day and I would write something that fitted the theme. It takes just a few minutes daily and most posts were fun things I was doing, some good ideas to help others and once per week promote one of my products. I became well known and liked and had customers within a couple of weeks. It really did become a group of my friends. Easy.”
~ Kay Bayly, Kay Bayly EFT & Mindset Mentor, Australia
“To go with the flow! To do what feels right on that day. If you had a blog post to write but then felt like doing a Facebook Live, do the Live. I find that energetically marketing is more effective when it is aligned with what feels right. I don’t have any specific results for this but my list has grown to 2K in under 2 years and my business from zero to six figures, my Facebook Followers from 500 to 5,000+”
~ Helen Marshall, Primal Alternative, Australia
“I have a long background in design, and I currently guide women in business with all their visual presentation and help them with the tech to do it. So, in terms of getting myself “out there”, the thing that’s worked best for me is to create distinctive graphics — I regularly get people telling me things like “I always enjoy your images — so on brand!” But I know it’s not just creating distinctive images — it’s also about using them CONSISTENTLY.”
~ Julie Gibbons, TractorGirl, Australia
“We do a lot of online networking — we have joined groups where our target audience are (small businesses, mums in business etc), and we spend a lot of time engaging in these groups. Some of the groups allow self promotion on certain days, so we do that, but most of the time we just engage with other users, answer questions, and offer advice/value. This has lead to a quite a few new enquiries for us, so its been a great (free) tool to create brand awareness, as well as drive sales.”
~ Janelle Strickland, Little Bird Online Marketing, Australia
“My customers find me through recommendations. As I realize that, i decided to empower all the people that recommended me with free design services coupon and consultation. That boosted my network from around 17 clients, to over 30 clients in a short period of time.”
~ Dejan Kovacevic, DeKovach, Europe
“I have 5 evergreen funnels on attached to blog posts on my website, with free PDFs containing high value information followed with engaging email sequences. Now they are set up and running these funnels have tripled my reach, grown my list by 20% and doubled my income with no effort at all, just in the past month.”
~ Meliors Sims, Holistic Tooth Fairy, New Zealand
“I offer free 30 minute consultations. I find this gives potential clients a chance to meet me to see if we are a good fit, and starts to establish trust (important as a lawyer). If they are interested in buying one of my DIY packs, it gives me an opportunity to show them what they will be getting, manage their expectations and answer all their questions. If they want my legal services it helps me determine suitability establish my authority and reliability, as well as educate them about the process. Very very rarely, they just want advice on an issue and don’t go on to purchase anything from me. That is fine too, as I follow up with a testimonial request, and they often recommend me to others or come back years later when they need a lawyer again. It is my favourite marketing tool — and it is effortless as I love the opportunity to chat 1:1 with amazing online entrepreneurs and talk about their business, how to strengthen their legal foundations, and how my legal service might be in alignment with their values and vision.”
~ Michelle Whitehead, Michelle Whitehead, Australia
“Facebook lives with a call to action at the end for a free 20 minute breast cancer dietary risk assessment consult. I love that I am able to deliver valuable content and it feels really easy to then ask for a CTA if they want further information.”
~ Nicole Bathurst, Naturally Nic, Australia
“I ask for feedback at every stage of the process, not just at the end.”
~ Nilesh Nandan, MyVisa, Australia
“Giving the Best Massage Treatment Ever, every time, to every single client, Individualised for their specific needs, & having them give their friends, family, work mates &/or acquaintances Fabulous Word of Mouth Referrals, plus return again themselves.”
~ Shell’s Massage, Australia
“Because deep down I am an educator and teacher — I find jumping on to my Facebook page and doing a Facebook live on topics that will help solopreneurs and small businesses to step up and run responsible and transparent businesses.”
~ Shalini Nandan-Singh, Legally Shalini, Australia
~ Tracy O’Meara-Smith, Silverdale Natural Therapy, Australia
“Live videos.”
~ Andrea Kaldy, Virtualissimo, Australia
“I used to post in a bazillion Facebook groups and was really only repeating myself to the same faces. I left 80% of the groups I was in, focused on 3–5 groups to be present in (two national and 3 local) and then focused on my business pages while cross sharing FB lives on my personal profile. By doing this, I’m getting more views, likes and conversations around my work. As I’m relaunching my business in the coming months, being a talking point is great. Running a LIVE 5 Day Challenge across my business page and personal profile has been my favourite thing for October.”
~ Trudy Pavlovski, This Chick Means Business, Australia
“This month marks a year that I have been fully booked 🙌🙌🙌 It was in the beginning of October last year that I started to consciously collaborate with the Universe within my business. Up until then I had been operating at around 50% capacity. So what did i do? what changed?
✨I started to communicate with the universe around how many clients I could expect to welcome in that month (it was 100% accurate each month and far beyond my previous months)
✨I started to meditate daily to strengthen and expand the vibration that I was sending out to clients
✨I visualised every post and offer being received by those who needed it — before i posted
✨And I truly started to trust the support and guidance that I was receiving..
For me, tracking my income (not my main focus), creating mailing lists (I still don’t have one) and sales funnels were never going to be the way I succeeded ( i think I am too lazy 🤣)
But when I focused on the things that lit me up — attracting new clients and expanding my consciousness AND I realised that the Universe also wanted me to be seeing more clients — magic occurred ✨🎉🎆
This isn’t a post to brag or to show off. It is a post to highlight the impact of working together with the Universe. Of continuously working on our energy and vibration to help bring us into alignment. Of opening up to the possibility of “outside” help and letting go of the belief that we need to do it all ourselves (such a huge one). And of focussing on the reason that we are in business in the first place — our raison d-etre — the clients that we are here to serve 💜 I now feel so fortunate to be in a space where I can help others to move into this space of trust, alignment and collaboration — through teaching, kinesiology and group work. It truly is a powerful thing when we join forces with the Universe and know that they have our backs! ”
~ Anna Carson, Damara Wellbeing Kinesiology, Australia
“Regularly writing and sharing newsletters is probably the thing that I enjoy the most and also works relatively well. I also enjoy doing inspirational quotes and sharing things of interest on my business page as well. I am noticing that I am getting more engagement the more regularly and consistently I do this.”
~ Kerri-Ann Sheppard, K-Events & KAS Writes, Australia
“Going live on Facebook to share my best content. This might be a mini masterclass or an energy evaluation.”
~ Dr Ricci-Jane Adams, Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, Australia
“Quick wins & credibility building definitely benefited from brand management that included a consistent brand strategy that drives my message, copy & visuals. Long term benefits definitely from target market research and testing messaging on my target market (not my family and friends who aren’t my ideal client).”
~ Stephanie Hulett, Brand Messaging Mentor, Australia
“Very old school, but I just get chatting to people when I meet them, either virtually or in real life. I have no intention of trying to sell to them, I just to get to know them, and offer help if I’m able. You just never know who might need what you offer, or when someone within their circle might need it, and they think of you. Having people who know of my services refer/mention me to their contacts has been a wonderful source of clients for me, because it actually comes as a personal referral for who you are, and the integrity of your business. Your trustworthiness is already established, which is sometimes half the battle. I have also made some wonderful friends along the way.”
~ Nadine Crowe, SEO Copywriter & Consultant, Australia.
“Building relationships and engaging with like-minded people has worked best for me. For me, this means truly listening to people, trying to understand their needs, and providing value in whatever way I can. Building genuine relationships has been a wonderfully natural and easy way to build brand awareness (and sales in the longer term).”
~ Sally Giblin, Pure Bundle, Australia.
“Having a pop up on website that provides free valuable information in exchange for the person’s email address has been effective in generating my mailing list.”
~ Maria Shaflender, True Foods Nutrition, Australia
“Consistency with my FB posts and newsletters. Clients approach me after saying that they have been reading my story and watching me online.”
~ Keren Slutzkin, Vital Assurance, Australia
I hope you’ve found these responses interesting, and that they have opened your eyes to new opportunities to try if you are feeling stuck with marketing your business.
I would also love to hear your experience on “What is ONE marketing activity that you do for your business that feels EASY and WORKS?”
Please do share your honest results in the comments below so that others can benefit too.
Strategic Optimisation + Growth consultant for lean start-ups and change-making entrepreneurs enabling them to grow their business in a sustainable and profitable way. My super-powers are business optimisation, CX, SEO, and leveraging data insights for business growth. #fuelledbycoffee
Originally published at optimiseandgrowonline.com.au on October 31, 2018.