3 Ways To Easily Activate Your Amazing Innate Potential

Robyn Kyberd | optimise + grow
6 min readMay 16, 2018

Innate potential is something that exists within each of us, whether we realise it (and utilise it) or not.

When you’re in touch with your innate potential, life is a vibrant, abundant and fulfilling experience. It’s one of the most natural connections in the world, a link between reality, the universe, and yourself.

When you are disconnected from your potential you will fail to realise the reservoir of infinite possibilities lying within you. It is here when the universe generally finds a way to nudge you towards activating it, are you listening?

This nudge from the universe usually manifests with a debilitating sense that we are lacking something. That feeling of ‘lack’, which gnaws away at us and makes us miserable, is exactly the opposite to the abundant life of possibility we should be feeling.

What Exactly Is Innate Potential?

We all naturally possess a sense of purpose, which grounds us in the universe, reality, and our lives, while allows us to reach for (and attain) all that we desire. Innate potential is the capacity within all of us to be, do, and have whatever we can dream.

When left unmet, your innate potential will bubble away beneath the surface without giving you cause to notice it, provided your life is going exactly according to plan. But how often does that happen?

When you find yourself frustrated with something in life, your innate potential will surge to the surface and try to manifest. If you’re connected to your intuitive intelligence, this will result in greater understanding, change for the better, and fulfilment of your true purpose.

But if you’re disconnected from it, there will be no rhyme, reason or rhythm to its effect on your life. You will feel dissatisfied and probably have an overwhelming desire to change something, but you will lack the clarity to focus on and achieve your goals.

This is not because you’re lacking potential for change, for bigger and better things, but simply because your innate potential has yet to be activated.

That overwhelming feeling of emptiness that overpowers us, like a great void opening up in the pit of your stomach, is not a lack within yourself, but a lack of connection between yourself and your innate potential.

It is here where we find ourselves asking questions like:

“Why does the world hate me?”

“How did it come to this?”

“What am I doing with my life?”

And the big one… “What is the point?”

Why We Struggle To Activate Our Innate Potential

We often struggle to activate our innate potential because of the human impulse to focus on the tangible; physical elements of the universe that are sure and certain.

Innate potential is intangible, it’s an essence of human nature, a facet of the individual’s spirit, and focusing on it requires a realignment of our literal, tangible sensibilities, to bring them in line with the aspects of our identity that are a little bit more ethereal.

Tapping Into Your Ethereal Identity

Dreams are a good example of an ethereal aspect of our identity.

When we sleep, we dream, and what dreams may come are a tumbling mashup of our thoughts, feelings, fears and hopes.

Our dreams are not physical, yet they are very real. They are not literal, yet they tap into the inner workings of our minds. They’re also completely unique to the individual, and take a form that would likely prove indecipherable to anyone else.

We all have completely unique brainwaves. So, even though there are some common threads that many people frequently dream about (like turning up somewhere important only to find you’re naked, or flying, or having all your teeth fall out), it’s very unlikely that we would be able to see and understand the dreams of other people, even if we could read their minds while they slept.

Despite the intangible and ethereal nature of dreams they often transition from the misty realms of the subconscious into the tangible world of reality.

Even if you don’t seek to decipher your dreams and discover the inherent meaning you believe they hold, your mood, behaviour, emotions and decisions can easily be affected by what you have been dreaming.

At times, dreams can feel more real than reality, and we find ourselves reacting to people and places based on events that took place in a dream, as if they happened in real life.

Your innate potential is much the same, a dream-like source of energy and inspiration that can be harnessed and brought into physical being in the real world.

But how exactly do you activate your innate potential and tap into all that wonderful ethereal energy? Here are three ways to get you started…

#1 Observe Your Fear

If you’re looking to harness your innate potential the odds are it’s because something is out of alignment in your life, and you have that sense of discomfort, of lack, of something being off.

Whenever that feeling hits you, don’t ignore it in order to avoid the discomfort. Instead, observe it.

What is the source of your discontent, and what desire does that discomfort represent?

Why are you dissatisfied with your current situation, and what would it take to make you feel fulfilled and content?

Observing the source of your fear lends your innate power an identity, until you understand it well enough to know what it is without the context of unpleasant feelings. It also places your desires, your dreams, and your needs in the position currently occupied by whatever is triggering your discontent and the negative thoughts and feelings that go with it.

Rather than focusing on that negativity, focus on the cause of the negativity and the possibility that comes with it.

For example, if you’re feeling unfulfilled in your career, like work is pointless and devoid of meaning, it’s likely because you truly want to be spending your time doing something else. The negative side of this is that you’re not currently doing it, but the positive side is that you could genuinely spend your time doing that thing, you just need to figure out how to make it happen.

It’s a possibility, rather than a lack. It’s potential, rather than failure.

#2 Incorporate Your Innate Potential Into Your Daily Routine

Connecting with your innate potential is a skill, and like any skill it requires practice. Look for a point in your day that you can use to express yourself.

Do it every day. Make it a habit. In time it will become second nature.

If you’re struggling to figure out where it will fit in, look again at the source of your discomfort and fear.

If you’re always wondering ‘Why me?’ at a specific time of day, it’s likely a point when you’re always very busy. Find a chunk of time where you can relax and ask a different question, ‘What if there is no problem?’

Alternately, you may find the point when you’re experiencing great discomfort is precisely when you are trying to relax, and have nothing to distract you from the source of your discomfort. If this is the case, ask yourself ‘What if there is no problem?’.

Simply keeping busy doesn’t solve the problem, it merely allows you to hide from your fear.

Focusing on your fear may be painful, especially at first, and overwhelming, but it’s important sit with the fear, really look at it, and start applying your innate potential to understand it.

#3 Explore The Fear

Since one of the blocks standing between you and your innate potential is the intangibility of this aspect of yourself, I encourage you to explore what your true potential holds. Give it substance and form and make it as ‘real’ as possible.

  • What exactly is your innate potential?
  • How does it connect to the rest of your identity?
  • What does it stand for, what does it mean to you?

There are no set answers to these questions, as it’s different for every individual, but start the conversation with yourself to figure it out.

It’s a lot like running through conversations in our heads, either in preparation for doing it in person, or because we’re feeling something we desperately need to express to them, and for some reason feel we can’t in reality.

Get comfortable with your innate potential. Ask the questions above, and see what comes up. You can do this mentally, by thinking them, but it’s a lot more powerful if you actually give voice to them and the intuited answers that arise in response.

If these questions are too abstract and you’re not coming up with any kind of answers, try some of these instead:

  • What is it in your life that makes you feel connected and alive?
  • What do you long to do?
  • Exactly why are you longing to do these things?
  • What would fill you with excitement for the day ahead?

You’ll likely find that you naturally think of other questions as you come to ask these of yourself. Follow where they lead and see what miracles unfold…

Originally published at optimiseandgrowonline.com.au on May 16, 2018.



Robyn Kyberd | optimise + grow
Robyn Kyberd | optimise + grow

Written by Robyn Kyberd | optimise + grow

Business Development & Optimisation Consultant with a serious soft spot for Operations Optimisation, CX, Analytics. https://www.optimiseandgrow.co/

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